Accelerated Nursing Program (ABSN, Second Degree) 

GMercyU挣 highest BSN NCLEX pass rate 在项目历史中!

What Is an Accelerated Nursing Degree?

An accelerated nursing degree is a second-degree nursing program. 它是为那些想要获得护理学位,同时已经在其他领域获得学士学位的学生设计的. GMercyU加速, innovative nursing program is a full-time, 混合动力, 16个月, 67-credit degree program.

Benefits of a Second Bachelor's in Nursing and Accelerated Nursing Degree

与传统的护理项目相比,攻读加速第二学位有很多优势. You can complete a second bachelor's degree in nursing in 16 months, 而不是4年, which means you can enter the workforce much more quickly.

获得第二学位的加速护理学位的另一个主要好处是,这样做的学生被认为更有决心和动力. 你可以向雇主证明你能在快节奏的环境中茁壮成长. 除了, your first degree provides evidence of experience in other fields, adding to your applicable skills.






The ABSN at GMercyU is a full-time, 混合动力, 16个月, 67学分的第二学位BSN课程为持有其他领域学士学位的学生开发. 

许可: This program was designed to meet national licensure requirements. 仔细审查您所在州的许可证要求流程,了解申请注册护士许可证的更具体细节. For more information, please visit our Program Licensure Requirement p年龄.


Our accelerated second bachelor's degree in nursing program features:

  • 加速完成 – graduate in just four consecutive semesters (16 months). 你必须已经拥有其他领域的学士学位才能参加这个项目.
  • 增强就业能力 – More and more employers prefer nurses with a BSN degree
  • A future of opportunity - BSN学位为您进入研究生教育做好准备,例如我们的护理学硕士(MSN)课程.
  • As a GMercyU nursing student, 您将进入一个活跃的护理社区,由我们经验丰富的教授和来自该地区的医疗保健领导者领导. Our classrooms and labs feature state-of-the-art simulation equipment.

GMercyU的加速护理课程(ABSN)使您成为一名自信的护士, 有能力的专业护士,具有病人和雇主所重视的技能. In this second degree nursing program, you can develop the comprehensive health science knowledge, values and practical clinical skills employers demand. 除了, you’ll establish a foundation for your future in the profession, 课程内容涵盖领导策略和研究能力.

获得BSN作为第二学位将有助于你在护理领域实现职业生涯的要求. 如今的雇主越来越倾向于雇佣拥有医学学士学位的护士. 获得护理第二学位的护士通常会提供额外的市场技能,使他们能够为未来的护理管理角色做好准备, education and other areas — even medical journalism or legal consulting.

大多数新的BSN毕业生将需要获得临床护理经验,然后专业或移动到高级护理角色. The first step in achieving your goals is to obtain your BSN degree.

GMercyU提供健康科学的在线预修课程,专门为像你这样想转行从事护理工作的学生设计. 这些课程在网上提供,并以动手在家的实验室体验为特色. Prerequisite online nursing courses are offered at $365 per credit. 你也可以在其他认可的学院或大学完成这些课程. 如果任何必修的先决条件科学课程不包括实验室科学或完成七年以上, 在开始你的BSN学位之前,你需要完成并通过这些课程. Virtual Labs for the science courses are not accepted. 此外,营养课程必须由注册营养师教授. 我们提供在线健康科学先决条件,可以帮助您填补知识空白.

  • Nutrition (7-week course)
  • Developmental Psychology - Across the Lifespan (5-week course)
  • Statistics (5-week course)
  • Microbiology with Lab (8-week course)
  • 解剖学 & Physiology I with Lab (8-week course)
  • 解剖学 & Physiology II with Lab (8-week course)
  • Chemistry for the Allied 健康 Sciences with Lab (8-week course)

访问我们的 Online Nursing Prerequisites p年龄 了解更多.


努尔208 Introduction to Professional Nursing (2 credits)
努尔209 Fundamentals of Nursing Practice (4 credits)
努尔212  健康 Assessment in Nursing (3 credits)
努尔219  Nursing Medication Mathematics (1 credit)
努尔324 Pharm / Pathophysiology (4 credits)
RS 231 生物伦理学(3学分)
努尔307  Nursing Care of Adults (6 credits)
努尔313  Contemporary Issues in Professional Nursing (2 credits)
努尔317  Nursing Care of Women, Children, and Families (5 credits)
努尔460  Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing (3 credits)
努尔316  Nursing Care of Clients with Alterations in Behavioral 健康 (4 credits)
努尔319  Nursing Care of Adults with Complex 健康care Problems (5 credits)
努尔417  Genomics in Nursing (3 credits)
努尔  选修课(3学分)
努尔413  The Older Adult (3 credits)
努尔4001 领导 and Man年龄ment in Professional Nursing (3 credits)
努尔419  Synthesis of Learning for Nursing Practice (6 credits)
努尔422  健康 and Illness in the Community (5 credits)
努尔423  Global 健康 and 健康 Policy (2 credits)
总学分 67

You will also complete clinical rotations in local health care facilities. GMercyU has a wide network of health care affiliations, and your instructors will be able to help you obtain a clinical placement. 临床实习视医院情况而定,有些实习需要在晚上或周末进行.

This program requires a criminal background check, 防止虐待儿童, 某些免疫接种, 以及其他与健康相关的许可以便参与临床体验. 

看到 本科目录 for more information and course descriptions.


  • Abington Jefferson 健康
  • Doylestown医院
  • 大观医院
  • 栗山医院
  • Mercy Philadelphia Medical Center
  • Paoli医院
  • 布林莫尔医院
  • 三位一体的健康
  • 圣救赎医院
  • Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital
  • Mercy Suburban Hospital
  • 爱因斯坦蒙哥马利
  • Foulkeways
  • Montgomery County Emergency 服务s
  • 阿特曼路德教会之家
  • 咏叹调健康
  • Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
  • 美慈医疗中心
  • St. Christopher's Hospital for Children

For more than 60 years, the Frances M. 格温内斯默西大学的马奎尔护理和健康专业学院一直是费城地区护理项目选择的中心. 追求BSN学位涉及作为一个受过教育的人和世界公民的持续成长, as well as education as a professional nurse infused with Mercy values.

我们的加速护理课程选择教育学生成为熟练的护士,他们继续提供高质量的病人护理,并成为该领域的领导者. GMercyU的护理教育可以让你为真正有意义和目标的职业生涯做好准备——成为一名专业的注册护士.

What Makes GMercyU Nurses Excel

Hear from students and 教师.

More Degree Options to Fit Your Life

Can't commit to the full-time accelerated nursing program offered above? 或者你没有达到获得第二个学士学位的先决教育要求? GMercyU also offers these programs: 

Hybrid 周末BSN program — Complete it in just three years! 这个二级混合护理课程适用于在其他领域获得学士学位的学生,他们想要过渡到护理职业.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree program 这个传统的四年制本科BSN课程是为那些没有其他领域学士学位的有抱负的护士准备的.

Direct Entry Master of Science in Nursing degree -这是一个硕士级别的护理学位,适用于持有其他领域学士学位的转行者. 它的目的是帮助学生过渡到护理与先进的基础知识和技能.



mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站的加速BSN (ABSN)课程获得了大学护理教育委员会( BSN加速, 周末BSN, 传统的BSN项目自成立以来一直得到PA州护理委员会的批准和良好的声誉.

Begin Your Nursing Journey with GMercyU

获得改变生活的职业所需的教育:在GMercyU获得护理学加速学士学位. Call 844-707-9359 or e-mail to contact an admissions counselor, or begin your online application now!